First off, we haven't had as many applicants as usual, or as expected. We're theorizing that people who have jobs are grateful to have them, and are avoiding the risks of moving on.
Among the applicants we've had, we've had several good ones, some okay and some... perhaps these few stand-out candidates were sent to us from "Hire the Unemployable." We actually received a letter and resume from an applicant who mentioned, right up front, that he figured we were a#@h$les because we are located "in a good zip code" and that he wanted us to know (right up front!) that he would "speak his mind and not put up with any b#$llsh#t." Hey! When can you start??
Others have made it to the interview, only to let us know one or more of the following:
1) they are trying to get an advanced degree in another specialty, to get out of this field because they're tired of it
2) they have a strong interest in moving out of the area soon
3) their previous employers were fools ("The last guy always wanted me to look busy! Are you going to do that?")
A tip for these job hunters: The interviewer is not your pal! Why are you telling her these things?
My sister Jen, who works in the education and job training field, says that, in addition to the many people laid off for purely economic reasons, employers may have used this recession as a way to clean house, thus releasing some loose cannon types into the environment.
Hiring is not for the timid. It never is. But weeding out some of the people you don't want to face every morning is getting easier all the time. I guess it's my turn to be grateful... for that at least.
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