If you haven't established a clear, written social media policy for your company, you can call your employees to task when and if you catch these indiscretions, but the responsibility for any damage done lies also with your firm.
Just as your company has, ideally, established standards for brand use, for dealing with the press, for giving (or not giving) employment references, for use of company computer systems and more, you must also establish standards for employees' use of social media as it impacts your company.
Certainly, standards include the basics: don't talk online about confidential company matters, don't reveal new products, don't discuss litigation, don't harass or badmouth management or coworkers, don't flame the competition – but there are many other considerations as well.
As a firm that has long been involved in supporting clients in developing and managing their messaging, vSA knows that the power of social media can be used for good or harm - even inadvertently. ("Facebook, are you a good witch or a bad witch?") We work with clients to help assure everyone at their companies with access to a keyboard knows what's okay and what's not in terms of promulgating company-related information that could pop up on Google for years to come. We'll share more on this topic in upcoming blog posts, and are available to consult with clients regarding both their focused use of social media and risk management techniques.
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