van Schouwen Associates has a career opportunity available... for the right person. We want a strategic communications professional to join our writing and PR team. WELL, you may say, that should be an easy position to fill.
Nope. In fact, looking for the right person to fill this job opening gives the existing vSA team a new appreciation for what we do every day. And it gives me a new appreciation for the team we have. The job opportunity requires a person who can:
-Face undaunted the task of QUICKLY learning to communicate intelligently about client specialties that may range from geothermal engineering to patented building supplies, aerospace quality management to investment planning for the wealthy.
-Write like Ernest Hemingway about said topics.
-Edit like... oh, I don't know, A.M. Rosenthal?... about said topics.
-For media relations initiatives, pitch to diverse, extremely busy editors, employing a keen understanding of what each editor, each venue and each readership needs right now.
-Switch between topics, disciplines and client needs at a moment's notice. And again. And...
-Genuinely enjoy working with clients who are smart, busy, facing pressures and deadlines of their own, and who trust vSA to create and implement strategic marketing programs that perform... programs that perform extremely well, no matter what the climate.
-Come up with great program ideas and innovations for clients.
-Work social media in B2B, financial services and other wilderness expanses.
-Work with the rest of us.*
Are you the one? Do you know the one? Be in touch...
*We're fun. Naturally.
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