Friday, September 19, 2008

I remember: "It's the economy, stupid."

... Only this time I've started worrying it's me that's stupid... okay, maybe not stupid exactly, but ill-equipped to be an investor in these times. Not that my concern will stop me - My greed (oh, must I call it that?) outweighs my caution when it comes to stocks and mutual funds.

[caption id="attachment_84" align="alignleft" width="116" caption=" Remember poor Mr. Bill from SNL? He's been investing. "Ooooh nooo!""]Remember poor Mr. Bill from SNL? He's been investing. "Ooooh, no!!!"[/caption]

But here's what scares me. Commentators such as Andy Serwer, speaking with Anderson Cooper on CNN, postulate that the market has become so complex, with its derivatives, complex mortgage securities and arcane computer modeling, that even the top people at investment banks and other firms DON'T COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUMENTS and how they'll work. Kind of like artificial intelligence gone mad... or Frankenstein's monster... Ooooh nooo!

1 comment:

  1. Well, one can be a chartist and invest that way. Then there's no need to worry too much about the details. But of course, one has to be able to act quickly.

    BTW, I think a better link to Andrew Serwer is to Wikipedia instead of to IMDB. Don't you think? :-)
