• Asked if the U.S. should go to war over the Russian incursion into Georgia, Palin said, "Perhaps so."
• Asked what she thought about the Bush doctrine, she was apparently unfamiliar with the term and surely so with the doctrine's bent toward waging preemptive war to prevent potential attacks or related security threats.
[caption id="attachment_47" align="alignleft" width="115" caption="Palin Action Figure! Zowie!"]

Oh, dear. I think I'll return my new Sarah Palin Action Figure to the store. She looks pretty but she knows almost nothing that would prepare her for said "action."
Whoa, what's with the Catholic schoolgirl outfit on the Palin toy?!? I guess they're interpreting "action figure" differently. My eyes!
ReplyDeleteI definitely think we should trust anything Palin says about Russia [even if she's not yet entirely sure of her own opinion]. I mean, she can see it from her house.
I am vacationing in very rural Canada beyond broadband and the U.S. airways and have received only what I assumed to be inaccurate and/or biased news clips about Palin. The terrible realization is just now sinking in that McCain actually seriously selected this VP candidate and there are an alarmingly large number of voters who apparently (at least, as yet) see no problems.
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to see how Obama can attack her ill-suited candidacy without raising the hackles of some women, all evangelicals, and anyone who might question his own experience in national affairs. For all our sakes, it is essential he succeed.
Today, NOW is expected to officially endorse the Obama/Biden ticket. During an interview on NPR, Kim Gandy, president, NOW, could hardly contain her oozing disdain for Palin. It will be interesting to see if this general election endorsement (which, by the way, is highly unusual for NOW) will help sharpen the focus on where Palin really stands on women's issues. Maybe now, some of her "feminist-hockey mom supporters" will understand that just because she positions herself as a feminist, doesn't mean she is one!